Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'd Rather Starve

Oftentimes, I wonder about the things that I settle for. Compromise is just a word for settling, right? I wonder why I accept things the way they are.

When I go out to eat and the food is hardly recognizable, I wonder why I don't go without it. When I cook a meal and fail to cook it well, I wonder why I go on eating it.

When I hang out with a friend and I'm let down by the way they've treated me, I wonder why I allow our relationship to pass as friendship. When I fail to be a good friend by own terms, I wonder why I allow anyone to go on associating with me.

When I conduct business with people who are unreliable and who are clearly unconcerned with my experience, I wonder why I continue giving them my business. When I rush through my own work as if I don't care, I wonder why anyone still does business with me.

When I read a book by someone who writes terribly, I wonder why I force myself to finish. When I write a story that doesn't even work for me, I wonder why I allow anyone to read it.

When I treat myself and the things I'm responsible for poorly, I wonder where my pride is. When I allow others to treat me poorly, I once again wonder where my pride is.

When I find myself wondering why I'm spending my time and my energy in the ways that I am, I know it's time to change something.

The truth is, I'm starving for some quality. And without a whole lot more quality, I'd rather starve. The fact that I go without it in so many ways already makes me wonder whether I have any pride left at all. There are many things that I should toss or let go. And other things need far more attention than I currently give them.

Some people think I'm too demanding. I think I'm not demanding enough. It's time for me to stop accepting things the way they are.



Sultan said...

Have you read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," by Robert Pirsig? He deals pretty extensively with this theme.

Zeri Kyd said...

Laoch, I have read it. I very much liked that book.

Seeking Serenity said...

for some reason I keep coming back & reading this...

Zeri Kyd said...

Jade, it's a good one to come back to; thanks for bringing me back to it.