Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This year ... this year, I hope for less. I hope to be less, to tear down whatever it is that I've become and perhaps, in time, rebuild. This year, I want for only the smallest and simplest of enjoyments. Anything more would be too much.

I fear that I've become someone who's too negative, and I don't want to be that person. I want to bring relief to friends and family. I'd rather be a source of happiness for those that I care for. I want to make a point of noticing the things that I love more often than the things that I don't. I want to enjoy the littlest of things as much as I possibly can.

This year, I hope for less. But I think, in the end, it may be more fulfilling.



Mei said...

These are good things you wish to be my friend. It is often the simplest things I find my joy in. Even if it should be in the beginning you must force a smile and a good thought at simple things soon it will come naturally and you will experience the joy of it. Bailey can be your teacher. He finds joy at simple things. Who would believe a feather could make a cat happy as it does? You will soon find your feather. I am sure for it.

Seeking Serenity said...

oh I see now-
i think your spirit wants to grow.

Zeri Kyd said...

Mei Lian, cats are silly little freaks, Bailey included. :-) But I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing to emulate them.

Jade, yep, something like that.

Sultan said...

These seem like reasonable goals. Much of the source of our unhappiness is found in ourselves I think. Of course governing one's self is difficult to say the least, but certainly worth the effort to try.

Zeri Kyd said...

Laoch, you're probably right, though I'll try to be a source of simple goodness if I can.

Sultan said...

As far as Google+ goes, how does one get around the real name problem?

